First let me say what a privilege it is to be here today, embarking with you on this next leg of the journey-yours and mine-here at St. Augustine’s. Last week, you said goodbye to your beloved Vicar David, and his wife Jane, and then barely with a breath in between, you welcome a new Vicar. What I am mindful of, from my own various leave takings, is how important it is to have some time to tend to your grief. You and David shared a spectacular and special 5 years together. I look forward to hearing about all that you dreamed up and shared together, as well as the sadness you now feel over letting him and Jane go. As you know, we need to tend the losses in life before we can fully embrace the new. The writer Alice Walker, a longtime favorite of mine, talks about the importance of the pause …and so I encourage you to honor and live into the pause…as you continue to say goodbye to David, and as you prepare to welcome me. Frankly, Advent is all...
Showing posts from December, 2018